Chemical Safety Training

Providing the necessary skills to identify the risks and hazards associated with handling pesticides and chemicals like herbicides, insecticides and fungicides.

This course will provide the necessary training for:

  • Obtaining Chemical Accreditation Card
  • Renewing Chemical Accreditation Card

About The Course

An Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control (ACDC) License is required by many herbicide users in Qld eg contractors and most non-rural herbicide users. It is a requirement for most who apply herbicides using a powered equipment. This ensures that you know the ins and outs of the process and are skilled in following the strict requirements associated with it.

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  • Who should have a Chemical Accreditation

    Many commercial users of farm chemicals are not farmers, but it doesn't mean they don't need to have a license. Most herbicide users in Qld should have an ACDC license especially if you use chemicals in the following positions:

    • Spray contractors
    • Local Government
    • parks and gardens
    • swimming pools
    • sewerage works
    • weeds control
    • State Parks and Wildlife, National Parks and Zoos
    • Hospitals, Nursing Homes, and Schools
    • Sporting Club maintenance and landcare
    • Mining and Gas

    The same legal requirements apply to all commercial users of herbicides. Talk to us to learn more about these requirements.

    Domestic users of chemicals.

    Domestic users of chemicals, including farm chemicals, are exposed to the same types of risks, often with little understanding of the consequences of accidents or misuse. Thus, it is equally important for you to know the do's and don'ts when handling chemicals. However, it is not a legal requirement for domestic users of chemicals to have Accreditation or an ACDC Licence.

  • Flexible Delivery

    Courses are delivered to the specific industry experience and needs of the group participants. It is best to have some experience with the use of chemicals prior to attending the course.

  • Chemical Accreditation Course Contents

    1. Pests- defined
    2. Integrated Pest Management
    3. Resistance to Farm Chemicals
    4. Formulations of Farm Chemicals
    5. The Label and Safety Data Sheet of Farm Chemicals
    6. Residues and breakdown of Farm Chemicals
    7. Toxicity, Health and First Aid in relation to Farm Chemicals
    8. Personal Protective Equipment to be used with Farm Chemicals
    9. Legislative Requirements applicable to the handling, storing, transporting and us of Farm Chemicals
    10. Risk Management with Farm Chemicals
    11. Managing the Environment and Minimising Drift
    12. Crop Spraying Techniques
    13. Record Keeping
    14. Calibration of Spray Equipment
    15. Fill Mix and Spray Crop Chemicals
    16. Applying Animal Chemicals
    17. Principles of the Safe Use of Animal Chemicals
    18. Calibrating Animal Chemical Application Equipment
  • Non-Agricultural Chemicals

    Do you need training and user course help with non-agricultural chemical handling, storage and transportation?

    We can tailor chemical user courses for those who handle, store, transport and use non-agricultural chemicals. Call us at 1800 626681.

    Chemical User "In-House" Courses

    Does your group want to have an in-house training program?

    We are happy to conduct an “In-House” Course for you using almost any type of chemicals. Send us a message, today.


Chemical safety training docs
By Country Co March 15, 2022
Chemical safety training is necessary as per the Work Health and Safety Act (QLD). If you are handling an agvet chemical or dangerous poison the Act requires you to hold an accreditation.
Calibration of Equipment
By Country Co November 2, 2021
Calibration of equipment is a necessary component of any successful spray application. The below techniques are common methods employed. Reasons for Calibrating Chemical Application Equipment. Save money, by not overdosing Ensure the correct dose Less resistance Avoid wasting time and effort Avoid risking markets, especially international markets Avoid loss of product/income Avoid damage to crops and livestock Safer for the consumer Safer for the environment Boom Sprayers Hints 
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